Monday, February 4, 2008

Introduction to Sufism

Introduction to Sufism
The word Sufi is derived from the Arabic word 'suf' whichmeans ' wool ' and which refers to the coarse woolenrobes that were worn by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)and by his close companions. The goal of a Sufi is noneother than God Himself. There are signs of Godeverywhere in the universe and in man himself.The origin and essence of manMan is the mystery of God. For a mysterious purpose,man was outwardly created of clay and God breathed lifeinto him, and all of the angels were commanded toprostrate themselves before him. As the Qur'an, which webelieve is the highest form of revelation, declares:" And remember when thy Lord said unto theangels: Lo I am creating a mortal out of potter'sclay. So when I have made him and shaped himand have breathed into him of My Spirit, do yefall down prostrating yourself unto him."It is this Divine Spirit which is the essence of man. Thebody is merely the outward physical form which containsthe Divine spark.The body is made of the material elements fire, earth,air and water, and has five external senses -- sight,hearing, smell, taste and touch; and five internal faculties-- discursive thinking, imagination, doubting, memory andlonging. All these powers, that is, both the externalsenses and the internal faculties, serve the heart. By the'heart' we do not mean the physical organ which pumpsthe blood, and which is possessed by both man andanimals. Rather by 'heart' we mean the Divine spark whichdistinguishes man from the animals. And unlike thephysical heart which dies and decomposes with the restof the physical body, the Divine spark or heart isindivisible and transcends death because its origin is inthe spiritual world

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